South Summit 2018 - Open Innovation

There is a business strategy based on collective intelligence, which pushes companies beyond their own limits by supporting innovation and the development of collaborative networks with external agents, organizations and professionals. This is the so-called Open Innovation. South Summit is the leading platform for innovation and […]

5G technology led by Spain: more speed and more data transmission

The arrival of 5G technology will boast one of the great technological transformations in history, completely changing the way we navigate and our experience with the Internet. As we know, Spain is the only European country that has two digital hubs (centers of technology companies), in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​which are also among the ten […]


The growing interest in this profession: "Project Manager" has served to bring up many more definitions in this regard. This is a traditional project manager with a couple of added competencies, now we speak of project management and direction, since the term “management” implies a more direct deal with personnel, resources, deadlines, the […]